Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My rant for the day: healthcare

I hate Republicans for their craptacular fearmongering, blatant dishonesty, and sycophantic obedience to the corporations and industries.

I hate Democrats for their spinelessness, inability to adapt and confront Republican tactics and do the job that we elected them to do.

I hate the two-party system because the third party will never be able to really effect any change that changes people's lives for the better.

I should have voted for Dennis Kucinich.


  1. What do you think the Democrats were elected for? Because they thought they were elected to make speeches and broad proclomations, pay off some of their backers and not rock the boat. They seem to be doing that just fine...

  2. Also, Kucinich doesn't have a chance because he's too short. You should have voted for stealth racist Kucinich in platform shoes... that guy woulda had a chance. Against Obama and McCain.
