Monday, January 11, 2010

German Shepherd

While I am happy that Butters is fairly well socialized with most things in life, at times, I wish he just wasn't so darn friendly. Sometimes in the dog park, he lays down next to another person or licks them when picked up or plays with them. Whenever he does that, I call him a little traitor, in jest, but not really.

This got me thinking about a dog that's loyal, not incredibly friendly, obedient, active but graceful, and intelligent but not stubborn. German shepherd. After going through pictures online, I want an-all black German shepherd.

(img from

Don't they look cool?

I want to teach it tracking, so I'll never get lost in the woods (I have a horrible sense of cardinal directions, or left and right if I'm unfamiliar with a place, such as the wilderness). I want to teach it to protect me.

Besides things I want to teach it, I also want to play fetch, go hiking, and jogging. I want it to be a reminder that life is not all about work. Do take time out to enjoy relaxation as well.

Don't get me wrong, Butters already does that. However, he's doesn't fetch outside the apartment and he can't keep up on hikes. =( I know he's not really the right breed for it and it's not his fault. I'll just have to wait till I'm more settled in my life to even think about getting another dog. I'll also have to find classes where I can teach it the stuff I want it to learn.

1 comment:

  1. German shepherds are easy to train and the listen to you a lot. Another thing I like about them is that they like to be around you, you go to another room they will follow you just to be near you, they are so willing to please. But the only thing about them that I don't like is that they are neurotic, and I've even been told that they are by a dog trainer. They are awesome dogs, you must get a puppy because they are especially cute when they are young with their floppy ears :)
