I have been trying to get better at it. I even bought a book on housekeeping so I can get some tricks on cleaning faster.

The only commercial cleaners that I do use are toilet bowl cleaners and Lysol for the toilet rim. I don't really need to state the reason for the latter.)
Anyway, when I came back from my shopping on Friday for B, he told me, "You are more organized than I am. And that's a compliment." I was extremely happy to hear that because I really don't consider myself organized. It's just one of those things that you say in interviews and put on your resumes because it looks good.
I thought about it on the drive home and realized I definitely spend a lot of time planning and trying to anticipate the future in every little thing. This actually keeps me awake in the mornings at times thinking about "What needs to be done? What I should have done? Why haven't I done this yet?" It's tiring because every little noise that wakes me up, neighbors walking upstairs, lawn mower outside, kids going to school...however brief or loud or not, my mind transitions from drowsiness to full tired consciousness running at full speed creating and organizing that list of things to do with all the accompanying details in my head. Yet, I'm too tired to really accomplish anything.
I shared this with G because he was talking about his occasional insomnia. He does the exact same thing except at night. Seriously, sign of mental problem?
I hope it'll disappear once I get my life on track.
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