Friday, May 21, 2010

Book club: My Lobotomy

Our little club is chugging along, slowly but surely.

Yesterday, we met to discuss My Lobotomy by Howard Dully. As usual, the conversation went somewhere completely unrelated but highly charged. Somehow we talked about pedophilia, leading to the reading of a Republican candidate statement about the creation of a "self-supporting village" on Santa Rosa Island for pedophiles...leading to the benefits and the harm of legalizing all drugs.

It's scary to me that someone I dismissed completely off-handedly as an obvious lunatic based on his candidate statement actually draws serious comments like "yeah, I think they totally should." Pedophile on an island? With no expense to the taxpayers?

Also blowing my mind: the fact that independently, an attorney general candidate and Erin thinks that it's horrible that prisoners get better healthcare than non-prisoners. I mean, how dare the criminals? It pains me that instead of focusing on improving everyone else's healthcare, they want to lower them to ours. That's just so sad. They would rather suffer than see someone else enjoying something that we should get as well. Why lower the high bar to match the low bar? Why not raise the low one to meet the high one?

It's disturbing to me that there are people like that out there because I don't understand why they think that way. I feel like it's an extremely negative worldview, with little trust in mankind, society, legal system or anything. It all seems to be a system of thought where blatant contradiction exists and facts cannot change anyone's mind. Am I missing something here?

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