Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dog day

Took Butters to the dog park today. We told him to sit and stay in the unleashing area which he managed to do with a little excited whining. We released him from the command once we were inside the park itself. A couple saw us and was very impressed with that considering he's four months old. Unfortunately, Butter's good day lasted about ten minutes as he angered a little black chihuahua dog and was chased. He then became very grumpy and vicious. His usual playmate the French bulldog repeatedly barked at him for no apparent reason. In his play with Achilles, the Pembroke corgi, he viciously growled while standing over him. I've never really seen him like that before. So I took him to the other side of the dog park and played chase with him for awhile, but he was just done with the dog park. Before I left, the lady whose 10-year old bichon died last June came over to me to give me the pictures that she took of Butters the other day. There was one picture of him standing while the French bulldog chomped down on his back leg. It was cute.

L and I went to watch 9 at the Edwards theatre. I thought the ending was going to be different from the way it came out. Also, I realized that from futuristic movies that deals with machines vs. humans, I am now very afraid of classic machine noises like their metallic clackings and creakings and wooshings as they move and slither about. Also, why do we use metal weapons against their metal bodies? It just doesn't seem evenly matched because knives and guns are supposed to be for the flesh. Since metal bodies are supposed to be more resistant to physical damage than naked flesh, I think we should have more advanced weaponry against that. Maybe something like targeted EMP that shoots like a laser.
guns: flesh:: EMP laser: machines

There! That looks better. =)

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