Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Great Honey Experiment

One of the very first lessons in immunology is the various types of immune systems. We don't understand any of them completely. One of them is the natural anti-bacterial properties of honey. We don't know what it is, but honey can keep for a long time even after the bottle is opened.

I gashed my finger pretty bad while bbq'ing over the Labor Day weekend, stripping off a slice of skin on my left index finger. Without the strip of skin to cover the exposed dermis underneath, it really hurt. I thought that healing will take awhile too since cells have to slowly close the gap as opposed to "glueing" the two sides together. I put a band-aid on to keep it from hurting, but I also needed something else to keep the moisture from providing a good place for the bacteria to grow. What to put? Neosporin? Honey? Am I certain enough about the anti-septic properties of honey that I will risk the possibility of my finger rotting and falling off? Yes, why not? No, in biology, in theory things should work, but in reality, they never do. After much mental debating, I decided yes. It's not as big as a cut to the bone, let's try it. The thick viscous liquid will seal the wound, preventing air and moisture in, and who knows? Maybe the famed anti-bacterial properties will kick in and actually help.

The first time I put it on, the finger throbbed for a good while. After that, whenever I replaced the band-aid as it got moist, it only tingled. After two days, I am without the band-aid and painfree. The wound it mostly closed and sealed except for the deepest part. There is not redness or puffiness or other signs of infection.

Of course, this is one data point. It could totally be my awesome kick-ass immune and repair system. Or it could be my sterile technique. Or it could be me really trying to rip it open whenever I put on or take off the band-aid. Or it could be honey. Either way, it certainly didn't do any harm. And I think in the future, I will try again.

Remember the band-aid commercials, or perhaps it's the Neosporin commercials where a kid falls and the mom rubs on the anti-septic or puts on the band-aid? I am going to be the crazy mom that puts honey on the wound and tells him to beware of ants.

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