Monday, December 21, 2009

Petco, Nutro and Orijen

We ran out of Nature's Miracle Odor Eliminator so I went to Petco to get more.

In one of the bigger aisles, there was a table set up for Nutro brand food. A middle-aged hispanic lady wearing an apron with Nutro logo stood by it to hand out coupons. As I approached, she stepped into the middle of the aisle and asked, "Oh how cute! Is he a bichon? Poodle? What's his name?" Upon answering all her questions, she asked the question I've been anticipating, "What food do you have him on?"

Ever since the bank, I can spot a sales situation three quarters of a mile away.

"Orijen, it's been really good at clearing his tear staining."

"Oh really? How to you spell that? My puppy is a bichon-poodle mix and her staining is really bad."

"Yeah, a lot of food including Nutro has beet pulp or tomato pomace which contributes to their tear staining. See?" I pointed to the back of the package which listed beet pulp, even in the organic line.

"I've got to try that for her."

...I left feeling awesome that I took charge of the situation.

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