On a meta note, February has not been a good month. For two weeks, my stomach was the pickiest organ. One little swallowed mouthful of raw pork because I was too lazy to get up and take one step to the trash to spit it out. One wrong food, the stomach will either reject it or give me heartburn for hours on end. I realized the best state for one's awareness of our innards is none. Just work. I don't care how, just be normal. Chinese New Year wasn't exactly great either. My dad's almost like another person. Scary. I feel bad for my brother for having to live in that environment. Hopefully, he'll be able to take something good away from it.
Yesterday, L and I went to play bingo with his mom at Viejas. I actually had lots of fun. These bingo players are scary in their intensity. The numbers show up on screen, the person calling it out gives everyone a few seconds and then officially calls it. One has to wait till she calls it before yelling bingo. The first round, I missed the third and fourth number simply because I couldn't keep up with the speed. L told me afterwards that I stressed his mom out because she didn't expect me to be so slow. =) What can I say? I'm not good at numbers. People are surprised by that, but I'm not. I have to say the number in my head. Plus, I'm too afraid of marking the wrong number because I can't erase it. So I take my time. It took a few rounds but I got the hang of it for the most part. I don't know how people do it with 24 squares since I'm barely keeping up with 12 and barely have any time in between to look for patterns.
During one round, I was one number away from blackout. 58. And of course, I didn't win. It was 24, then 59. Ah well. It was very exciting though waiting for the last number. I was not too disappointed. I saw it as $7 for about two and half hours of entertainment. Plus we got free food out of it. If I win something, great, if not, oh well, I had fun. There was this one jackpot game where if someone got blackout in 52 numbers or less, the prize money is $10K, 53 numbers or more, the money drops to $1000. Someone got bingo on the 53 number. We heard someone say something and people laughing at the 52nd number and figured out why when the 53rd number was officially called. It sucks for him, but funny too.
Alright. Anyway. February's almost over. I'm going to get back to a regular schedule of blogging because it's a whole new month.
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