Friday, February 26, 2010

Strawberry project made

Today I accomplished my task of collecting my cultivars: eversweet (I wasn't actually out to collect that one), Chandler, and Sequoia. I picked up the latter at the Walter Andersen with LP. The customer service there was nice enough to bring some out from the back for me because it wasn't out on the table in front. Pictures as promised:
The green basket holds my one Chandler, clockwise are the twelve Sequoia and bottom six are Eversweet. 

Other materials:
A 14x14x10in pond basket for $8.89. I figured the more dirt it holds the better even though strawberries are supposed to have shallow roots. And lying on top is the thing I'm going to use to hang it for $1.59. Compared to making it myself, it was worth just buying it.

My work area for tonight (before it rains tomorrow):
(clockwise) The potting soil, Dr. Earth organic 5 (5-7-3), bucket with my homemade compost (which stunk to high heavens last year because it was too wet and is now totally perfectly normal looking and smelling), my basket with holes for the plants on the side, the strawberries, and the big pile of mixed soil + fertilizer (~1 cup). Not pictured, the coconut fiber.

The finished product: 
I planted the strawberries in three layers. First I filled the bottom with potting soil up to the bottom of the first row of holes. Then I stuck the plants through the holes. After the second one, I realized that I need the coco fiber to prevent the soil from falling out. So I had to pad all the plants on top and bottom with the fiber. Same with the next layer. The top was the easiest. However, as soon as I was done, I realized that I should have put the fiber all around the basket to prevent soil particles from falling out. *sigh* Live and learn.

L helped me hang it up. 
I mulched the top with some of the left over coco fiber and watered it the best I can. Depending on the amount of rain tomorrow, I might have to water more tomorrow. Hopefully all the plants will survive.

"wth" picture of the day, courtesy of L, titled "The Terror of Bettas"

1 comment:

  1. I am not a betta and I am rightly terrified. Oh and also your strawberry project is turning out really well!
