Friday, March 5, 2010

Attraction and relationship

I was driving on the freeway when I thought about the L4D2 game the other night when we let the computer sort the six of us into two different teams in versus. L told LP who were on the same team, "At least winning is making the girlfriend and husband happy." When he relayed this to me that night, I complimented him on how big-hearted L and LP are. As my thoughts wandered, I realized quite a few of my friends has elements of my personality that is quite similar to mine. Yet, I am dating someone who is completely different. And here, it struck me: there are two different attractions to people. One to people who are similar to us. The attraction there is pretty obvious. We understand them and we understand their motivations. The second is to people who are different from us, to the point where we are left scratching our heads going, "What the hell?...What are they thinking?...I don't get it." The reaction afterward can be laughing in amusement or tearing our hair out in frustration. (The third group is "wtf, you are crazy and I'm outta here.")

How this relates to relationships:
I am going to make a generalization (I think it works for me) that it's the second type of attraction that makes a better relationship. Reason being that it tends to round and balance out the relationship. The difference keeps things interesting. What we don't understand about each other both amuses us, makes the other person more endearing as well as drives us insane during moments of conflict. Hopefully, this results in a long conversation (assuming good communication skills) resolving the conflict and bringing the two people closer.

I say this because I am in the second type. It's only due to his incredible patience with me that we've lasted this long. His inscrutability (pronounce it. Yes you, L. Correctly.) makes me smile or yell depending on the situation. Yet, it keeps things interesting.

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