Friday, March 26, 2010

Household knowledge

It struck me as I was running errands today in my job as a personal assistant that different households have different stores of knowledge that is, for the most part, not shared outside that household.

Let me first define household. It comprises of either a single person, or two people in a relationship, and any nuclear family that lives together. Thus, roommates or housemates don't count.

Stores of knowledge can be described as habits, places we frequent, things we learned from each other etc.

For example, I needed to go to Willy's Electronic Supply Store, but had no idea where it is. Upon googling, I realized that it's right next/behind/in close proximity to Aquatic Warehouse where L and I go all the time for our aquarium supplies. I don't know anything about the price or quality of things electronic, but I figured if B, the tech guy, patronizes this place, and he's a SD native, then there must be something about Willy's. I told L that we should check it out just so he can evaluate it to see if it's any good.

B goes to Lubrimart on Clairemont for basic car needs. L has his own place. Who's is better?

That's what I mean by unique household knowledge. We all go to different places for different things. We might totally go to this awesome place for Italian food for example (which we do, Gusto Trattoria), yet even our close friends might not even know about it. I can't help but think that we'd all benefit from these bits and pieces that we don't even consider significant enough to share.

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