Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dog beach

This weekend saw a rise in temperature which made Saturday a mandatory beach day. Took Butters and met John, Lauren and Mona there. The dogs loved it. They chased each other around and round. And Butters learned to leap over water puddles.

So far, I've been to Fiesta Island and OB. Between the two, I love the latter so much more, even though parking can be such a bitch. I love the channel where water is calmer and clearer. In addition, during low tide, I never know what kind of wildlife I might find. Just today, Luis and I found quite a few schools of little fish (I wonder if they are baby fish. Wish we had a wildlife biologist with us to tell us what they are.), a crab, and three hermit crabs. The crab was 4-5 in wide. It had blue legs or whatever the appropriate name is for them and interestingly the back legs were covered by green algae. It waved its big claws at us above the water. Since it issued a challenge, I had to accept and baited it with my flip flops. I was hoping that it will clamp the sandal and I'll be able to lift it out of the water. Dinner perhaps? J/k. Only a little. The hermit crabs we found by following their trails underwater. It was like a little treasure hunt.

Anyway, each time, I'm incredibly thankful for Butters. Because of him, I go to the beach on average about once every two weeks. And I enjoy it. So wonderful and relaxing to be there seeing him happy and excited. He's always nice and tired afterwards as well. 

Oh, and on the way to Luis' friends' home, we, as in Luis, Butters, and I, pulled off a family pack howling session in the car. It was awesome. 

1 comment:

  1. Hurry for family howling session! I literally laughed out loud at that. I always love reading about your family's adventures <3
