Day off.
Was listening to NPR around midday to a show about commonly confused words. Here's something I learned from that:
Wrangle: The cowboys wrangled with the goats to herd them into corrals. (oh you mean they herd steers?)
Wangle: Wangling concessions/agreement out of someone
I always thought one wrangles concessions out of someone. It sounds like hard work, getting a concession. But no, to "wangle" means "to achieve through manipulative and deceitful methods."
It was odd for me because I've honestly never heard of "wangle." Maybe it's because my eyes might see "wangle" and my brain reads "wrangle." Or, even if it registered, I might've seen it as a typo. Now I'm going to be on the lookout for it.
This is the first time I have ever seen the word 'wangle.' Ever, in my life. Thanks for the edification!