Finally got the chance to thin out the oregano (bottom right). I took a pair of tweezers and picked the ones with the buds of a second pair of leaves and started clearing an inch radius around them. The whole time I was thinking of evolution. I see seeds that I scattered on the surface that are barely sending down roots into the soil. Those will be gone when they come up since they are too slow. The ones that are tall and spindly, I cleared those as well. I kept sprouts that had big leaves and second leaf buds. So for ten minutes while sitting out on the patio, I felt like a higher power to the powerless little oregano sprouts, rooting out the weak and making life better (hopefully) for the few, the chosen. Ha ha ha! for the other plants, the thinned out thyme (bottom left) has grown much bigger.The basil (upper right) looks really cute with the big round leaves.
The tomatoes are now 1 1/2 inches, with their second pair of serrated leaves showing on some of the sprouts. I can't wait till they are old enough for me to transplant them.
And the tarragon. Not very exciting. Didn't seem to grow very much. I wonder if it's something to do with the deep pot.
So I stumbled across this the other day and thought it was quite amazing. It really made me want to visit some art museums and see some art pieces in person. I present to you...elephant art:
A painting by an elephant of an elephant:
Isn't that amazing? Their abilities and intelligence awe me.
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